Author and publisher is the same person or organization

In-text citations

If no person is given as author, the institution responsible for the text can be given as author. In such cases, you do not need to list the same institution as publisher.

In references in the text, you list the full name of the organization, with the abbreviation in square brackets, the first time you refer to the source. If you refer to it later, you only need to use the abbreviation.

First reference: (University of Stavanger [UiS], 2021)
Later references: (UiS, 2021)

In the reference list

You must always list the full name of the organization in the bibliography, even in cases where the abbreviated name is widely known, such as UN or WHO.


Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. (2018). Kunnskap for en bedre verden: NTNU strategi 2018-2025.

If the author has published the source, that person is listed only as author. You do not need to list the same person as publisher.

If neither a person nor an organization is specified as responsible for the source, the title is inserted instead of the author’s name.


Remember to insert comma after the organization name as author. If not, EndNote will read it as a personal name, and reverse the order.


Example: World Health Organization,


Remember to insert organization name as author in single field.