Page numbers

In-text citations

When quoting directly, you should always include the page number. The quote should be enclosed in quotation marks and has to be reproduced without any changes or edits.


«Kanskje hviler forskjellen mellom mennesket og maskin på bevissthet, eller evnen til å oppleve» (Mathiesen, 2023, p. 20).

An exception is if the quote is longer than 40 words. If that is the case, the quote is separated into a separate paragraph with indentation.

If you paraphrase, i.e. you reproduce the meaning of a text in your own words, the Norwegian APA manual recommends that you provide page numbers for long sources, for example a book. Whether or not page numbers are required may depend on traditions and practices within different subject areas, so we recommend that you ask your supervisor about this.

If you refer to continuous text that spans several pages, you must always indicate the first and last page number.


Det blir blant annet argumentert for at de utilsiktede virkningene ved boplikt er av betydelig omfang (Aanesland & Holm, 2000, pp. 83–85)

An exception is if the quote is longer than 40 words. In this case, the quote is put in a separate paragraph with indentation.

If you paraphrase, i.e. you reproduce the meaning in your own words, the Norwegian APA manual recommends that you provide page numbers for longer texts, for example from a book. Whether page numbers are required may depend on traditions and practices within different subjects, so we recommend that you consult your supervisor or tutor.

If you refer to the whole source, and not to a particular page, you do not need to include the page number in the reference.