A reprint is a new but unchanged release of a publication. Often the original publication is no longer available for sale, so the original text has been included in a new publication, for example in a book or on a website.
A republished work is a source that has been published in two places, e.g. a journal article that has also been published as a chapter in a book.
When you refer to a republished work or reprint, you must insert the year for both the original and the new edition, separated by a slash.
Example 1: (Aasen, 1878/1997)
Example 2: (Heide & Nicolaisen, 2021/2024)
Note: This does not apply to publications that have been released in a new edition. Then you refer to the year of the edition you have used.
In the bibliography, republished works should have a parenthesis at the end where you write “Originally published” and the year.
Example 1:
Aasen, I. (1997). Norsk Navnebog, eller Samling af Mandsnavne og Kvindenavne. Høgskulen i Volda. (Originally published 1878)
Article in reprint on website:
Author. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title, vol (issue number), page span. https://xxxx. (Reprint of “Title of the article: Subtitle,” year, Journal title, vol[issue number], page span, https://xxxx)
Example 2:
Heide, B. & Nicolaisen, R. (2024). Tilrettelegging for elever med tilknytningsvansker i skolen: “Forstår du min smerte?” Utdanningsnytt. https://www.utdanningsnytt.no/atferdsvansker-barnevernspedagog-elev-laerer-relasjon/tilrettelegging-for-elever-med-tilknytningsvansker-i-skolen-forstar-du-min-smerte/406833 (Reprint of “Forstår du min smerte? Tilrettelegging for elever med tilknytningsvansker i skolen,” 2021, Spesialpedagogikk, 86[3], 46–58)
To include both years in the reference in the text, you must edit manually.
Original publication year is entered in the “Original Publication” field. Here you must enter the entire text that should appear in brackets at the end of the reference, e.g. “Originally published 1878”.
Write original-date: Year in the field Extra.