APA style uses sentence case, which means that only the first word in the title and subtitle are capitalized. Use lowercase and uppercase letters according to capitalization rules of the title’s language.
If your source is a book, report, website, journal, or anything else that is a whole, write the title in italics.
Repstad, P. (2014). Sosiologiske perspektiver for helse- og sosialarbeidere (3. ed.). Universitetsforlaget.
If your source is part of a whole, such as an article, book chapter, or song on an album, the title should be in regular text.
Mersland, R. (2011). The impact of international influence on microbanks’ performance: A global survey. International Business Review, 20(2), 163-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.07.006
If the source has a subtitle, separate the main title and subtitle with a colon and a space. The subtitle starts with a capital letter.
Nielsen, M.-B. O. & Thon, J. (2008). Wergelandenes Kristiansand: Byguide. Wergelandselskapet.
Tips for identifying main title and subtitle:
The main title often has larger font than the subtitle. If the title contains a colon, hyphen, dash, or period, what comes before the punctuation is usually the main title, making what comes after the subtitle.