(Author, year, page number)
Example 1:
(Repstad, 2014, p. 53)
Both authors are mentioned every time.
(Author & Author, year, page number)
Example 2:
(Nielsen & Thon, 2008, p. 44)
In the text, use the name of the first author (the first author name listed in the source).
After the name, write et al. (the abbreviation comes from Latin and means “and others”).
(Author et al., year, p. page number)
Example 3:
(Fasting et al., 2011, p. 42)
In the text, use the name of the first author (the first author name listed in the source).
After the name, write et al. (the abbreviation comes from Latin and means “and others”).
(Author et al., year, p. page number)
Example 4:
(Christensen et al., 2013, p. 68)
See more ways to reference in the text
Note: The rule for one or more authors is the same for all types of contributors, such as editors, composers, directors, etc.
You can find the & symbol (ampersand) on the 6 key.
Author, A.
Example 1:
Repstad, P. (2014). Sosiologiske perspektiver for helse- og sosialarbeidere (3rd ed.). Universitetsforlaget.
Author, A. & Author, B.
Example 2:
Nielsen, M.-B. O. & Thon, J. (2008). Wergelandenes Kristiansand: Byguide. Wergelandselskapet.
Include all authors. Use a comma between each author. In APA 7th in English there is a comma before &.
Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C.
Example 3:
Fasting, M., Doksheim, M., & Vatnøy, E. (2011). Den norske velferden. Civita.
Include the first 19 authors, followed by . . . and then the last author.
Author, A., Author, B., . . . Author, Å.
Example 4:
Christensen, L. S., Asbjørnsen, P. C., Moe, A., Berggren, A., Prøysen, A., Skram, A., Staalesen, G., Ragde, A. B., Mehlum, J., Henriksen, L., Jæger, J., Sandel, C., Vesaas, T., Aarø, S. L., Borgen, J., Dahle, G., Lindstrøm, M., Grimsrud, B., Lerum, M. G., . . . Dyresen, R. (2013). Julenoveller: 21 nye og klassiske noveller fra norske forfattere. Juritzen.
The rule for one or more authors is the same for all types of contributors, such as editors, composers, directors, etc.
This article focuses on how to solve different cases of multiple authors; follow the source type you have used for the rest of the information.
In the bibliography, write the surname first, followed by the initial (i.e., the first letter of the first name).