Author name is missing

In-text citations

If the author name is missing, insert the title into the place of the author name. Works that stand alone (such as books) are given a title in italics, while works that are part of something larger (such as articles) are given a title in quotation marks. In your text, use a shorter version of the title, i.e. the subtitle should not be included.

Example 1:

(Webster’s basic English dictionary, 2000, p. 25)

If an encyclopedia article does not have an author, use the title of the article as the author.

Example 2:

(“Heuristic”, n.d.)

In the reference list

Include the full title in the reference list, meaning title and subtitle. Move the title to the author position. In the reference list, works with no author are alphabetized after title.

Example 1:

Webster’s basic English dictionary. (2000). Merriam-Webster.

Example 2:

Heuristic. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th. ed.).


Leave the field Author empty.

If the title is long or has a subtitle, write it in the field Short title.


Leave the field Author empty.

If the title is long or has a subtitle, write it in the field Short title.