Author or editor?

In the reference list

When referencing a book, it is important to distinguish between a book with an author and a book with an editor. These sources should be treated differently. But how do you know when a book has an editor?

Book with an Editor

In a book with an editor, the editor(s) have been responsible for organizing the work on the book. They have been in contact with the chapter authors, managed the work that has been done, and liaised with the publisher. Editors may also have written some chapters in the book. In such cases, they should be listed both as authors and editors.

On an edited book, you will see “red.,” “redaktør,” “eds.,” or similar terms after the names on the cover. Even if it says “editor” only after the last name, you can assume that all names listed are editors. When you look up an edited book in Oria, you will see “(editor or redaktør)” after the names. If it is difficult to determine from the cover, you can turn to the title page and check what is written there. A final check is to look at the table of contents, where you will see different author names for each chapter.

For such sources, you refer to the chapter(s) you have used, unless you are discussing the entire book. You must create a separate reference for each chapter you cite.

Book with an Author

In a book with an author, one or more authors are collectively responsible for the text of the entire book. If there are multiple authors, they have collaborated so closely on the text that it is not possible to distinguish who wrote what.

On the cover, there is no indication of function behind the name. In Oria, you will see that it only states “author.” Take a look at the table of contents – here, only the titles of the chapters are listed.

For such a source, you refer to the entire book.


For an edited book, choose reference Type: Edited book if you want to enter the entire book, and  Book Section if it is a chapter in an edited book. It is recommended to first import the reference for the entire book, and then copy that reference and make the necessary changes.

If it is a book with authors, use Book.


For an edited book, choose reference Type: Edited book if you want to enter the entire book, and  Book Section if it is a chapter in an edited book. It is recommended to first import the reference for the entire book, and then copy that reference and make the necessary changes.

If it is a book with authors, use Book.