What should a citation look like?

In-text citations

The standard form of citation in APA 7th is parenthetical citation: (Author, Year).


«Gjennomsnittstall viser at i kommuner med boplikt er boligene like mye bebodd i løpet av året som i kommuner uten boplikt.» (Aanesland & Holm, 2002, p. 84).

In a so-called narrative reference, you use the author’s name in the text, and refer to the year in a paranthesis immediately after.

Researchers such as Aanesland and Holm (2002) have showed that the settlement pattern is not significantly affected in municipalities without compulsory residence, compared to municipalities with compulsory residence.

When quoting directly, you must always refer to the page from which the quote is taken. If you are paraphrasing, i.e. writing in your own words, the APA manual recommends that you provide page numbers for longer texts, for example from a book.

A standard way to insert references is to place them at the end of the sentence. In the case of a narrative reference, the parentheses are placed immediately after the author’s name.

When the source has two authors, & is written between the names.

Example: (Bjørnenak & Helgesen, 2009)

If you put the names outside of the paranthesis, and is written between the names.

Example: Bjørnenak and Helgesen (2009)

If the text has more than two authors, you only include the first author name, followed by et al.

Example: (Xi et al., 2018) or Xi et al. (2018)