
In-text citations

Interviews as a source for research can be divided into three categories: Published interviews, interviews with Your own informants and personal interviews.

Published interviews

These are interviews that have been published in newspapers, magazines, journals, podcasts, TV, radio, etc. Refer to them as the type of source they can be defined as, for example a newspaper article.

Common for all reference types is that it is the person conducting the interview that should be referred to. If you wish to include the name of the person being interviewed, you can mention it in the text.

Example 1: Reference to an interview in a newspaper:

(Jakobsen, 2024)

Example 2: Interview in an online magazine, added as webpage:

Professor Bjørn Hvinden says in an interview that… (Fimland, 2016).

Interviews with your own informants

These are interviews you have conducted with your own informants or interviewees. They do not require referencing according to the APA-style, because you are not citing your own work in the text where it was first reported, nor should you refer to them as personal communication. A reference should therefore not be included even if you quote your informants, but point out in your text that the quotes come from them.

Personal interviews

These are interviews you have done to support important points in your text. Refer to personal communication only in the text, not in the bibliography. Include as precise a date as possible.

Example 3:
In a conversation with Trine Larsen (personal communication, February 2018) it emerged that…


When quoting your own informants, use the same layout as for other (direct) quotations: Quotations of less than 40 words should be marked with quotation marks in the text, and quotations of 40 words or more should be in a separate paragraph and indented from the left.

In the reference list

Published interviews

Mostly, these will be open sources that anyone can have access to. You therefore refer to them as other types of sources, and follow the format for the type of reference that the interview can be defined as: Newspaper article, magazine article, podcast, TV program, etc.

Example 1: Interview from a newspaper, added as newspaper article:

Jakobsen, H. Ø. (2024, March 8.-14). Du er i abortnemnda nå. Morgenbladet, 2–3.

Example 2: Interview in an online magazine, added as webpage:

Fimland, Ø. (2016, August 24). Mistenker mørketall på plagiat. Khrono.

Interviews with your own informants

These are part of your original Research, and should not be included in the bibliography.

Personal interviews

These should not included in the bibliography, because they are not documentable or published information.