Data set (research data)

In-text citations

(Author, year)

Example: (Kvia, 2022)

Note: For published data, use the year the data was published. For unpublished data, use the year or span of years the data was collected.

In the reference list

Author. (year). Title. (Version) [Dataset]. Publisher. DOI or URL


Kvia, A. (2022). Background data for: Recovery is up to you. (Version V1) [Dataset]. DataverseNO.

Note: Use DOI if available. If you do not have a DOI, use URL.

Note: If the dataset has a version number, include this in a paranthesis after the title. If not, leave it out.


Add as Dataset.

Fill in the fields: Investigators, Year, Title, Distributor, Version, DOI eller URL (DOI is preferred), Data Type

Note: There is an error in APA 7th in EndNote when adding datasets. One end of the parenthesis around version is not included. It looks like this: Version V1). ( is missing. This must be manually corrected when you have disconnected EndNote from Word.


Add as Dataset.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Type, Version, Date, Repository, DOI or URL (DOI is preferred)