Doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis

In-text citations

Format: Author, year, page

Eks: (Listhaug, 2015, p. 32)

In the reference list


Format: Author. (Year). Title in italics [Master’s thesis/Doctoral dissertation). University.

Ex. 1 : Listhaug, K. F. (2015). Spatial prepositions and second language acquisition: The acquisition of spatial prepositions in French by native speakers of Norwegian [Doctoral dissertation]. Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Ex. 2: Daland, L. H. (2010). Livskraften ebber ut: En undersøkelse av befolkningsendringen i utvalgte uthavnssamfunn mellom lindesnes og lista 1900-1970 [Master’s thesis]. University of Agder.

From Internet:

Format: Author. (Year). Title in italics [Master’s thesis/Doctoral dissertation, University]. Site name. URL

Eks.: Jerpseth, H. (2017). Older patients with late-stage COPD: Care and clinical decision-making: A qualitative study with perspectives of patients, nurses and physicians [Doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo]. DUO Viten arkiv.

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Last modified on: March 14th, 2023