(Author/Institution, year, p. page number)
Example: (Bergan, 2017, p. 15).
Author/Institution. (Publication year). Title (Serial code/Report title and -no). Publisher. URL
Author/Institution. (Publication year). Tittel (Serial code/Report title and -no). Publisher.
Example 1:
Bergan, M. A. (2017). Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Balsnesvassdraget på Ørland i 2017: Ungfisktellinger og problemkartlegging knyttet til fiskeforsterkende tiltak og sjøørret (NINA Report 1392). Norsk institutt for naturforskning. http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2485755
Eksempel 2:
United Nations environment programme. (2021). The heat is on: A world of climate promises not yet delivered: Emissions gap report 2021. https://www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2021
Note: These document types can look like books and e-books and are often published by public or private institutions.
Some have a series code or report name and number, and this is then added in paranthesis after the title. If this information is not provided, it is not necessary in the reference.
Annual reports and yearbooks are treated the same way as reports.
Add as Report
Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Report number (add complete information about the series, e.g. NINA Report 1392), Institution, URL
Note: If you do not have a URL, that field is omitted.
Add as Report
Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Report number (add complete information about the series, e.g. NINA Report 1392), Institution, Date and URL
Merknad: If you do not have a URL, that field is omitted.