Format: [reference no.]
Ex: Text [1]
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Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].
Format: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, “Title of chapter,” in Title of the book, xth ed. City: Publisher, year, pages.
Ex.: [1] C. Histace, “Image restoration – Recent advances and applications,” in Super-resolution restoration and image reconstruction for passive millimeter wave imaging. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012, s. 22-45.
Format e-book: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, “Title of chapter,” in Title of the book, nth ed.. Publisher, year, pages. [Online]. Available: DOI (eller URL)
Ex.: [2] H. Cheng, “Road Detection and Tracking,” in Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation, H. Cheng, London: Springer London, 2011, pp. 33-59. [Online]. Available:
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