Book with 2–6 authors

In-text citations

Format:  [reference no.]

Ex: Text [1]

Format: [reference no, p. pagenumber]

Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].

In the reference list

Format: [Reference no.] A. A. Authors, Title of the book,xth ed. City: Publisher, year.

Ex.: [1] T. Aven, M. Boyesen, O. Njå, K. H. Olsen, and K. Sandve.Samfunnssikkerhet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2004.

Format e-book: [Reference no.] A. A. Authors, Title of the book,xth ed. City: Publisher, year. [Online]. Available: DOI (or URL)

Ex.: [2] R. W. Allmendinger, N. Cardozo, and D. M. Fisher. Structural geology algorithms: vectors and tensors. Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2011. [Online]. Available:


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