(Ministry, year, p. page numbers)
Example: (Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 2016, Introduction, paragraph 1)
Ministry. (Year). Title in italics. (Circular number) [Circular]. Publisher. URL
Ministry of Justice and Public Security. (2016). Utlevering av opplysninger fra asylmottak til politiet (Nr. GI10/2016) [Circular]. https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/gi102016–utlevering-av-opplysninger-fra-asylmottaktil-politiet/id2507000/
Note: If you do not have a URL, you can omit this information. If the author and publisher are the same, the publisher is omitted.
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Fill in the fields: Author (remember comma in the end to avoid invertion), Year, Title, Section (Here you write “Circular”), Report number (circular number), Publisher and URL.
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Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Report number, Institution ([Circular] and institution), Date and URL