(Author, year)
Note: For published data, use the year the data was published. For unpublished data, use the year or span of years the data was collected.
Author. (year). Title. (Version) [Dataset]. Publisher. DOI or URL
Kvia, A. (2022). Background data for: Recovery is up to you. (Version V1) [Dataset]. DataverseNO. https://doi.org/10.18710/KGXEBH
Note: Use DOI if available. If you do not have a DOI, use URL.
Note: If the dataset has a version number, include this in a paranthesis after the title. If not, leave it out.
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Note: There is an error in APA 7th in EndNote when adding datasets. One end of the parenthesis around version is not included. It looks like this: Version V1). ( is missing. This must be manually corrected when you have disconnected EndNote from Word.
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Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Type, Version, Date, Repository, DOI or URL (DOI is preferred)