Book with Editor(s)

In-text citations

Format:  [reference no.]

Ex: Text [1]

Format: [reference no, p. pagenumber]

Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].


In the reference list

Format 1: [Reference no.] A. A. Author, Ed(s)., “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of the book, X.Editor, Ed., City: Publisher, year,

Ex. 1: [1] L.Stein, “Random patterns,” in Computers and you, J.S. Brake, Ed., New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70.

Format 2: [Reference no.] X. Editor, Ed. Title of published book. City of publisher, Country: Publisher, year.

Ex. 2: [2] C.Bennett, “What happens when you book an airline ticket? The collection and processing of passenger data post – 9/11,” in Global Surveillance and Policing: Borders, Security, Identity, E. Zureik and M. Salter, Eds., Cullompton, U.K.: Willan, 2005, pp. 113 – 138.

Format e-bok: A. A. Author, Ed(s)., “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of the book, X.Editor, Ed., City: Publisher, year, [Online]. Available: DOI (or URL).

Ex.: [1] K. W. Lai and D. E. O. Dewi, Eds., Medical Imaging Technology: Reviews and Computational Applications.Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015. [Online]. AVailable:


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