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In-text citations

Format: Image, table, figure etc discussed in text: (Artist surname, year)

Ex. 1: (Munch, 1885-86)

Format: Image, table, figure etc inserted as illustration: Description of the illustration as caption under the image, should also be marked Figure 1 etc. Include information on copyright.

Ex. 2: Figure 1. «Studying», 2006, by Stephen S. ( CC BY 2.0.

In the reference list

Format: Artist. (year). Title [Description]. URL

Ex. 1: Munch, E. (1885-86). The sick child [Painting].

Ex. 2: Stephen S. (2006). Studying [Photo].

Images you have made yourself, or images you have obtained lisence for, should not be entered to the reference list.

I EndNote

Use the text editor’s built in functions to enter the caption. Add as “Online multimedia”.

Fill in the fields Created By, Year,Title, Type of Work, URL.

I Zotero

Use the text editor’s built in functions to enter the caption. Add as “Artwork”.

Fill in the fields Title, Artist, Medium, Date, URL

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021