Format: Last name of both authors are mentioned every time + year: page
Ex.: Sointu & Woodhead 2008: 262
Format: Authors. (year). Article title. Journal title in italics, volume(issue), pages. doi:
Example 1 without DOI:
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2021). New thinking about student engagement: Research models show what engagement really looks like. Educational Leadership, 79(4), 76-77.
Example 2 with DOI:
Sointu, E., & Woodhead, L. (2008). Spirituality, gender, and expressive selfhood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 47(2), 259-276.
Example 3 with article number or e-locator:
Grèbol Jiménez, R., & Vall Castelló, J. (2021). The impact of temporary contracts on suicide rates. PLOS ONE, 16(5), Article e0252077.
Article from printed journal: ad as Journal article
Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI/URL
Note: To register more than one author press enter between the names.