Journal article with 21 or more authors

In-text citations

Format: Only first author’s last name + et. al. and year: page.

Ex.: Acernese et al. 2007: 5768

In the reference list

Format:  The 19 first authors, … last author. (year). Article title. Journal article in italics, volume(issue no.), pages. DOI/URL

Example 1 with Doi:

Acernese, F., Amico, P., Alshourbagy, M., Antonucci, F., Aoudia, S., Astone, P., Avino, S., Babusci, D., Ballardin, G., Barone, F., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Bauer, T. S., Beauville, F., Bigotta, S., Birindelli, S., Bizouard, M. A., Boccara, C., Bondu, F., … Yvert, M. (2007). Status of coalescing binaries search activities in Virgo. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24(23), 5767-5775.

Example 2 with article number or e-locator:

Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, S., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Albuquerque, D. S. D., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Alfaro Molina, R., Alici, A., Alkin, A., … Zmeskal, J. (2017). Determination of the event collision time with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The European Physical Journal Plus, 132(2), Artikkel 99.

Note: DOI is the preferred information. If DOI or URL is missing, exclude this form the reference. If the URL points to a password restricted database, exlude the information.

Note: If information on volume or issue is missing, exclude this from the reference.


Add as Journal article.

Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI/URL

To register more than one author, press enter between each author.

Note: In Word, You’ll have to edit the author list manually. When you have finished inserting references, first choose Convert to plain text, then delete authors from the list and add … before the last author name.