Laws and regulations

In-text citations

Format:  [reference no.]

Ex: Text [1]

Format: [reference no, p. pagenumber]

Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].

In the reference list

Format:Title in italics, year.

Eks.: [1] Lov om opphavsrett til åndsverk m.v., 1961.

Format e-version: Title in italics, year. [Online]. Available: URL

Ex. 1: [1]  Lov om endringer i lov 4. juli 2003 nr. 83 om elektronisk kommunikasjon (ekomloven), 2008. [Online]. Available:

Ex. 2: [2] Forskrift om elektriske lavspenningsanlegg, 1998. [Online]. Available:


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Fill in the fields: Author (short title of the law) Year, Title (entire title). Type of medium (write Online), URL.