Master’s or doctoral thesis

In-text citations

Format:  [reference no.]

Ex: Text [1]

Format: [reference no, p. pagenumber]

Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].

In the reference list

Format: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, “Title of thesis,” Master/doctoral thesis, department, university, place, year.

Ex. 1: [1] C. Mathisen, “Effekter av UV-stråling på embryonalutvikling, vekst og morfologi hos Daphnia Magna,” Hovedoppgave i biologi, Biologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, 2003.

Format e-thesis: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, “Title of thesis,” Master/doctoral thesis, department, university, place, year. [Online]. Available: DOI (or URL).

Ex.: [2] M. G. Jaatun, “Security in Critical Information Infrastructures,” Dr. Philos., Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Phd. no. 254, 2015. [Online]. Available:

Note: When using DOI end with a period. When using URL never end with a period.


Add as Thesis.

Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Academic department, Place published, University, Degree, Document number.


Note: When found at Internet:  add DOI.