Multi-volume work

In-text citations

Complete multivolume-work:

(Editor or author, year)

Example: (Gauglitz & Moore, 2014)

Note: Some multi-volumed works have different authors or editors for each volume. Refer to the editor of the volume you have used.

In the reference list

Complete multivolume-work:

Author or Editor. (Ed.). (year–year). Title in italics (Edition, number of volumes). Publisher.


Gauglitz, G., & Moore, D. S. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of spectroscopy (2nd ed., Vol. 1-4). Wiley.

One volume of a multivolume-work, with own title:

Author. (Year). Title of the whole work: Volume: Title of volume (edition). Publisher.


Norwegian-American Historical Association. (2016). From America to Norway : Norwegian-American immigrant letters, 1838-1914: Vol. 3: 1893–1914. Norwegian-American Historical Association University of Minnesota Press.

One volume of a multivolume-work, without own title

Author. (Year). Title of the whole work (edition, volume). Publisher.


Gauglitz, G., & Vo-Dinh, T. (2003). Handbook of spectroscopy (Vol. 2). Wiley.

Note: If all volumes have been published the same year, you only write that year.


Add as Edited book or Book.

Fill in the fields: Editor, Year, Title, Edition*, Publisher.

Note: *Not when 1st edition.


Add as Book.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author (include both editor and author), Volume (if you enter one volume of a multi-volume work), Edition*, Publisher, Date.

Note: *Not when 1st edition.