Music recording (LP/CD)

In-text citations

Format: Writer’s last name copyright date: track number

Eks.: Bernard & Smith 1934/2010: spor 7

Note: If the copyright date and recording date are different, use both dates in the text citation.

In the reference list

CD (or similar format)

Format: Author’s/Composer’s last name, A.A. (copyright year). Title of CD in Italic [Medium of recording]. Place published: Publisher.

Ex.: Tord Gustavsen trio. (2003). Changing places [CD]. München: EMI.

Track on CD (or similar format)

Format: Writer’s last name, A.A. (The song’s copyright year). Title of song [Recorded by B. B. Artist if different from writer]. On Title of album in italics  [Medium of recording]. Location: Label. (Date of recording if different from song copyright date).

Ex. 1: Blackmore, R., Gillan, I., Glover, R., Lord, J. & Paice, I. (1972). Smoke on the water [Innspilt av BB Band]. På Fuhgeddaboudit! Music you heard on the Sopranos [CD]. USA: Golden Stars. (2004)

Ex. 2: Bernard, F. & Smith, R. B. (1934). Winter wonderland [Recorded by Kurt Nilsen]. On Have yourself a merry little Christmas  [CD]. Oslo: Playroom Music. (2010).


Add as Music.

Fill in the fields: Composer, Year, title, Editor (here: Artist), album title, form of item, place published, publisher.

Add Date of recording in the field: Reprint edition.


Note: If the recording was found online add URL manually instead of Place Published/Publisher.