(The regulation’s short title, year, paragraph)
Example: (Psykisk helsevernforskriften, 2011, § 2)
(The regulation’s short title, year, paragraph)
Example: (Psykisk helsevernforskriften, 2011, § 2)
The regulation’s short title. (Year). The regulation’s complete title (date–code). Title of the website. URL
Psykisk helsevernforskriften. (2011). Forskrift om etablering og gjennomføring av psykisk helsevern m.m. (FOR-2011-12-16-1258). Lovdata. https://lovdata.no/forskrift/2011-12-16-1258
Note: You find short URL by clicking “del dokument” in Lovdata.
Note: You refer to commentary editions by source type, i.e. websites, books, etc.
Note: Publisher is Lovdata if that’s where you have got the regulation from.
Add as Legal rule or regulation
Fill in the fields: Author (here you write the regulation’s short title, remember comma in the end) Year, Title, Publisher, Rule number, URL.
Note: You insert paragraph in the reference in the text by clicking “Edit & Manage Citations” and writing , § in the field Suffix, followed by the paragraph number.
Add as Book.
Fill in the fields: Title, Author (here you write the regulation’s short title), Edition (here you write the date-code, i.e. FOR-2016-10-28-1250), Publisher, Date, URL
Note: You insert paragraph in the reference in the text by choosing “Classic view” and writing , § in the field Suffix, followed by the paragraph number.