Format: Short title of the law, year, paragraph.
Ex.: (Equality and anti-discrimination act, 2017, § 4)
Format: Law/regulation short title. (Year). The full name of the law/regulation (law code). Site name. URL
Ex.: Equality and anti-aiscrimination act. (2017). Act relating to equality and a prohibition against discrimination (LOV-2017-06-16-1). Lovdata.
Note: Remove the URL if you are referencing the printed edition of the Norwegian Laws.
Note: Always reference the original law unless you refer to a particular change in the law. If you are referencing a particular change, you have to use the date for the change instead of the date of the original law.
Add as Report.
Fill in the fields Author (Law/regulation short title), Year, Title, Report Number (insert law code) and URL.
Note: Add a comma at the end of the short title for titles consisting of more than one word.
Add as Book
Fill in the fields Title, Author, Edition, Publisher, Date, URL
Note: In the author field, enter the short title of the law, for example Arbeidsmiljøloven.
In the edition field, enter the date code, for example LOV-2005-06-17-62.
Publisher is Lovdata if you have downloaded the law from there. For the printed version of a law, the publisher is the department that issued the law.