Norwegian laws and regulations

In-text citations

(The regulation’s short title, year, paragraph)

Example: (Psykisk helsevernforskriften, 2011, § 2)

In the reference list

The regulation’s short title. (Year). The regulation’s complete title (date–code). Title of the website. URL


Psykisk helsevernforskriften. (2011). Forskrift om etablering og gjennomføring av psykisk helsevern m.m. (FOR-2011-12-16-1258). Lovdata.

Note: You find short URL by clicking “del dokument” in Lovdata.

Note: You refer to commentary editions by source type, i.e. websites, books, etc.

Note: Publisher is Lovdata if that’s where you have got the regulation from.


Add as Legal rule or regulation

Fill in the fields: Author (here you write the regulation’s short title, remember comma in the end) Year, Title, Publisher, Rule number, URL.

Note: You insert paragraph in the reference in the text by clicking “Edit & Manage Citations” and writing , § in the field Suffix, followed by the paragraph number.


Add as Book.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author (here you write the regulation’s short title), Edition (here you write the date-code, i.e. FOR-2016-10-28-1250), Publisher, Date, URL

Note: You insert paragraph in the reference in the text by choosing “Classic view” and writing , § in the field Suffix, followed by the paragraph number.