
In-text citations

Format: (Author, year)

Ex. 1: (Melteig, 2016)

Note: When a website has no personal author, include the name of the responsible organization/institution. If there is no responsible organization/institution, use the title of the page as the substitute for the author/organization.

Ex. 2: (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2016)

Note: If you are referring to a website in general, include only the website name in your text, and the URL in parenthesis.

In the reference list

Format: Author. (Year, date). Title. Site name. URL

Ex. 1: Melteig, E. (2016, September 23). Cod’s immune system is not special any more. Titan UiO.

Format: Organization/institution. (Year, date).Title. Site name. URL

Note: For webpages that are continually updated and with no last updated date, include Retrieved from <date> in front of URL.

I EndNote

Add as Web page

Fill in the fields Author, Year, Title, Publisher, last update date, URL.

You may add access date in the field Access date.

I Zotero

Add as Web page

Fill in the fields Title, Author, Website Title, Date, URL

You may add access date in the field Accessed

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Last modified on: May 24th, 2022