Format: [Reference no., p. page]
Ex.: Text text text [1, p. 23], text [2], etc.
Note: IEEE Editorial Style Manual have no suggestions on how to refer to a Website. This is the Citation compass’ suggestion on how to do this.
Format: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, Title of website,year. Available: URL. Accessed on: Read date.
Ex. 1: [1] B. Pentz, Døgnåpent biblio på UiS, 2015. Available: Accessed on: 31.07.2017.
Ex. 2: [2] H. B. Borchgrevink, Lager tidskapsel fylt med prøver fra norsk natur, 2017. Available: Accessed on: 03.08.2017.
Ad as Web page.
Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Access Date, type of medium (write Online), URL.