This rule applies when someone other than the author has written one or more chapters in a book, or when, for example, the foreword, introduction or postscript has been written by someone other than the author.
In the text, you only refer to the author in the reference. Feel free to mention the contributor’s name in the text itself.
Example, reference to the whole book:
(Lillejord et al., 2013, p. 14)
Example, reference to a chapter written by someone other than the author:
…as Gilje says in his chapter «Det digitale klasserommet» (Lillejord et al., 2013, chapter 6)
Example, foreword written by someone other than the author:
In his foreword Roger Watson describes (Aveyard, 2019, pp. x-xi) how …
This is something else than chapter in an edited book.
This kind of book does not have separate references for individual chapters. You can identify the author of a part of the book in the text, outside of the reference.
In the bibliography, you include contributors who have written a foreword, introduction or postscript in a parantesis if the name is given on the title page or cover. If not, you just refer as usual, without taking the contributor into account.
Example where contributor is given on the title page or cover:
Illich, I. (1973). Det skoleløse samfunn : om å flytte læring fra skolestua ut i dagliglivet (Foreword by Nils Christie). Dreyer.
Example where contributor is NOT given on title page or cover:
Aveyard, H. (2019). Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide (4th ed.). Open University Press.
If it is an author who has written a chapter in the book, you do not include it in the bibliography, you refer to it as if it was an ordinary book.
Lillejord, S., Manger, T. & Nordahl, T. (2013). Livet i skolen 2. Grunnbok i pedagogikk og elevkunnskap: Lærerprofesjonalitet (2nd ed.). Fagbokforlaget.
Add as Book.
Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Publisher, Edition*.
If you are going to add an author of a foreword, introduction or postscript, this must be done manually, after the document has been disconnected from EndNote.
Note: *Not when it is the 1st edition.
Add as book Bok.
Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Edition*, Publisher, Date
If you are going to add an author of a foreword, introduction or postscript, this must be done manually, after the document has been disconnected from Zotero.
Note: *Not when it is the 1st edition.