Every now and then, it happens that the source you have used does not fit perfectly into any of the “boxes” in the Ciatation Compass. Then you may have to combine information from two boxes, or create your own version of a reference.
The rules for printed and digital sources are usually quite similar. If you have a digital source: Check if there is a box for a printed source that may be similar. Often you just have to add a DOI or URL.
The most important thing is to always include a reference when you have used someone else’s text, thoughts or opinions, and that your text and bibliography contain information that can identify the source.
Four types of information are usually needed to create a reference:
Who: Author, Institution, Association, Department, etc. If none of these are specified, use title.
When: Release date. Usually the year, but for websites that are frequently updated you use the date when the website was last updated.
What: Title. If there is no title, you can create a description in square brackets.
Where: Publisher, name of website, possibly department. If you have a DOI or URL, include this.
Author. (Year). Title [or description in brackets]. Publisher. DOI or URL
Note: If you are in doubt, contact the library at your institution.