Translation of titles

In the reference list

Sometimes it is necessary to provide a translation of the title in the reference. If your source is in another language than English, create your own translation in square brackets after the title in the original language.

Example 1:

Anderseck. (2020). Akademisch Kommunizieren: Bausteine sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschens [Communicate academically: Building blocks of social science research]. Ibidem Verlag.

If your source is a chapter or an article, it is the chapter title/article title that you translate, not the book or journal.

Example 2:

Lasserre, F. (2021). L’essor des activités économiques en Arctique : impact des changements climatiques et de la mondialisation [The Rise of Economic Activities in the Arctic: Impact of Climate Change and Globalization]. BELGEO (Leuven), (1).


The translated title should never be in italics.


Enter in the field Translated title.


Enter Medium: Translated title in the field Extra.

If you have also entered information about the edition, Zotero will place this before the translated title. It should appear after the translated title, so you need to change this manually after the document has been disconnected from Zotero.