OBSOLETE – Does the source show a high academic level?

Academic articles and books are published by scientists to make research visible. Academic articles are often published in academic journals with responsible publishers, but may also be part of an anthology (a collection of articles with editors).

There are various requirements for an academic source. A scientific source is quality-assured by peer-reviewing. That means that one or more researchers within the same area of research read and approves the content before it is published. You will find information about the publisher’s peer-reviewing procedures on their webpage.

You may limit your results to peer-reviewed material only when you search library databases.


  • Will the presented research results provide new insight?
  • Are the results possible to recreate so they can be part of later research?
  • Has the source been peer-reviewed?
  • Are sources credited correctly in the text and the list of references?
  • Liste element #1
  • Liste element #2
  • Liste element #3