Journal article with 1 author

In-text citations

Format: (Author, year, p. page)

Ex: (Sacks, 2021, p. 73)

In the reference list

Format: Author, A. A. (year). Title. Journal title in italicsvolume(issue), pages.<doinumber>

Example 1 without DOI:

Sacks, A. (2021). Writing Fiction Motivates! With the right classroom conditions, writing stories encourages students to take on challenges of their own design. Educational Leadership, 79(4), 71-74.

Example 2 with DOI:

Mersland, R. (2011). The impact of international influence on microbanks’ performance: A global survey. International Business Review20(2), 163-176.

Example 3 with article number or e-locator:

Jeong, T. (2021). Do more stress and lower family economic status increase vulnerability to suicidal ideation? Evidence of a U-shaped relationship in a large cross-sectional sample of South Korean adolescents. PLOS ONE16(4), Article e0250794.

Note: DOI is the preferred information. If DOI or URL is missing, exclude this form the reference. If the URL points to a password restricted database, exlude the information.

Note: If information on volume or issue is missing, exclude this from the reference.

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Last modified on: February 13th, 2024